Hiking in NYC Parks

There's no need to head Upstate to experience the awe of New York's natural wonders. Plan your next hiking trip right here in New York City! 

Our 300 miles of trails will take you through some of the oldest forests in the city, and past 10,000 acres of wild and untouched natural areas, glacial potholes, and bedrock you can see and touch! As you explore these beautiful parks, you'll come across all kinds of wildlife, from the majestic ospreys nesting high up on utility poles to turtles sunbathing on rocks in the ponds. Along the way, you can also visit historic places that give a glimpse of Old New York and tell the story of our city.

Where to go on your next hike

Start your journey through NYC's natural wonderland: pick a park and map out your hiking adventure. Be sure to pack plenty of water, and wear sunscreen and layered clothing.

Tip: Use these trail markers to guide you on your next hike.

Trail Marker

Here are some highlights of hiking trails in our parks. Visit our Hiking Trails page to find more nature trails in parks across New York City. 


Bronx River Forest

To see: New York City's only freshwater river, a floodplain forest, Bronx River Island

View the Bronx River Forest's hiking trails on a map

Pelham Bay Park

To see: Hunter Island, Orchard Beach, Thomas Pell Wildlife Sanctuary, the Twin Islands, The Lagoon

View Pelham Bay Park's hiking trails on a map

Pugsley Creek Park & Castle Hill Park

To see: views of Pugsley Creek, a mixed hardwood forest, salt marsh, the Whitestone and Throgs Neck bridges

View Pugsley Creek Park's hiking trails on a map

Raoul Wallenberg Forest

To see: Great white oak and European beech tree, red-tailed hawks, ruins of Seton Hospital

View Raoul Wallenberg Forest's hiking trails on a map

Riverdale Park

To see: an oak-hickory forest, a small pine grove, and a red oak- and tulip tree-dominated forest, as well as stunning views of the New Jersey Palisades and the Hudson River from a viewing platform 

View Riverdale Park's hiking trails on a map

Seton Falls Park

To see: glacial features, a floodplain forest, scenic overlooks of the Rattlesnake Creek ravine and falls, a red oak-dominated forest 

View Seton Falls Park's hiking trails on a map

Soundview Park

To see: a Bronx River overlook, a butterfly meditation garden, salt marsh, and grasslands

View Soundview Park's hiking trails on a map

Spuyten Duyvil Park

To see: the Palisades, Hudson River views, a freshwater pond, various shorebirds

View Spuyten Duyvil Park's hiking trails on a map

Van Cortlandt Park

To see: hills, ridges, and valleys, a wetland with rare pumpkin ash trees, a forest of red oak, tulip, and hickory trees, historic stone buildings, and a scenic freshwater lake.

View Van Cortlandt Park's hiking trails on a map


Canarsie Park

To see: a scenic overlook of Jamaica Bay and surrounding neighborhoods, a sandy shoreline that ducks and geese love

View Canarsie Park's hiking trails on a map

Fresh Creek Nature Preserve

To see: a 42-acre salt marsh, butterflies, birds, and aquatic life, native salt marsh plants, and a sandy beach overlook

View Fresh Creek Nature Preserve's hiking trails on a map

Marine Park

To see: more than five hundred acres of preserved natural areas, ospreys nesting, an island just for birds, remnants of the first tide-powered mill in North America

View Marine Park's hiking trails on a map

McGuire Fields Park

To see: red maple, black oak, winged sumac, and American holly trees, sweeping vistas of Paerdegat Basin and the lower Manhattan Skyline, many species of birds brought to the park by its diverse habitat and position along the Atlantic Flyway

View McGuire Fields Park's hiking trails on a map

Paerdegat Basin Park

To see: an upland coastal forest that includes a scenic view of Paerdegat Basin which is a 1.25-mile channel that empties into Jamaica Bay in nearby Bergen Beach

View Paerdegat Basin Park's hiking trails on a map

Spring Creek Park

To see: the largest tract of undeveloped land and wetlands in the northern Jamaica Bay area and an array of wildlife that benefit from this open greenery, including blue herons, pheasants, raccoons, and muskrats

View Spring Creek Park's hiking trails on a map


Fort Tryon Park

To see: the four-season Heather Garden, the Met Cloisters, the remnants of New York City’s largest glacial pothole, a contemporary sculptural installation, carefully preserved views of the Palisades

View Fort Tryon Park's hiking trails on a map

Fort Washington Park

To see: views of the Palisades, George Washington Bridge, and Hudson River, a Red Oak Heath forest, wildflowers along the forest floor, plus the historic Fort Washington site from the Revolutionary War, commemorated by the American Redoubt Marker

View Fort Washington Park's hiking trails on a map

Highbridge Park

To see: native and introduced forests with northern red oaks, hickory, sweetgum, tulip trees, and native black cherry trees; the oldest standing bridge in NYC, remains of the Old Croton Aqueduct, mountain bike trails, a chance to see hawks

View Highbridge Park's hiking trails on a map

Inwood Hill Park

To see: the only natural forest in Manhattan, glacial potholes, giant Manhattan schist stones, a freshwater and saltwater marsh, the New Jersey Palisades

View Inwood Hill Park's hiking trails on a map

Riverside Park

To see: a Bird Sanctuary, Pollinator Meadow, the Hudson River, and a forest full of sweet gum, sweet birch, and black cherry trees

View Riverside Park's hiking trails on a map

Sherman Creek Park

To see: a lookout for shorebirds and the Harlem River, a freshwater pond and waterfall, a restored shoreline

View Sherman Creek Park's hiking trails on a map


Alley Pond Park

To see: New York City's tallest and oldest tree, kettle ponds, an obstacle course

View Alley Pond Park's hiking trails on a map

Bayswater Park

To see: a beach overlooking the bay (perfect for birdwatching), a maritime forest, and a bayberry grove

View Bayswater Park's hiking trails on a map

Cunningham Park

To see: vernal pools filled with spring peepers and other frogs, green-backed herons, the Wisconsin Ice Sheet Terminal Moraine

View Cunningham Park's hiking trails on a map

Forest Park

To see: a century-old pine Grove, the largest continuous oak forest in Queens, Richmond Hill War Memorial, Strack Pond

View Forest Park's hiking trails on a map

Highland Park

To see: remnants of a reservoir, the Old Stone Bridge, forest succession, an array of migrating birds, the Dawn of Glory Statue

View Highland Park's hiking trails on a map

Kissena Park & Kissena Corridor

To see: cherry and sumac trees, including a group of native Staghorn sumac trees with their large red flowers in summer, respite from the city streets under the shade of black locust trees, a meditation garden, ample opportunities for bird watching

View Kissena Park & Kissena Corridor's hiking trails on a map

Willow Lake - Flushing Meadows Corona Park

To see: a freshwater wetland that offers visitors scenic views of the lake and abundant opportunity for bird watching and wildlife viewing

View Willow Lake's hiking trails on a map

Udalls Park Preserve Hiking Trails

To see: salt grasses growing in the marsh, clapper rails, snowy egrets, osprey, and more wading and diving for fish, wooded uplands and more wildlife scattered around the cove

View Udalls Park Preserve's hiking trails on a map

Staten Island

Arden Woods

To see: the largest wetlands in the New York metropolitan area, a ground covering of the fragrant Eastern Hay Scented Fern, migratory birds, and many owls, including the screech owl, great horned owl, and barn owl

View Arden Woods' hiking trails on a map

Blue Heron Park

To see: freshwater wetlands, meadows of wildflowers, kettle ponds, and the diverse wildlife that calls this protected natural area home

View Blue Heron Park's hiking trails on a map

Conference House Park

To see: New York City's "south pole", beachside views, the house where the failed Revolutionary War peace conference took place in 1776

View Conference House Park's hiking trails on a map

Fairview Park

To see: a wildflower-rich vernal pond, restored forests with pin oak, sassafras, and American Sycamore trees, views of the Outerbridge Crossing

View Fairview Park's hiking trails on a map

Goodhue Park

To see: a native ha rdwood forest, kettle ponds, a trail loop ideal for dog walkers

View Goodhue Park's hiking trails on a map

The Greenbelt

To see: NYC's largest remaining forest preserve, two of the highest points on the east coast, Reed's Basket Willow Swamp, a historic stone chimney, Willowbrook Pond

View The Greenbelt's hiking trails on a map

Jones Woods Park

To see: the Serpentine Barrens, a unique ecosystem found in only a few places in the world, and in New York, found only on Staten Island

View Jones Wood's hiking trails on a map

Ocean Breeze Park

To see: South Beach Wetlands, a shrub forest, scenic view of the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge, a chance to see wild turkey, Canada geese, and deer

View Ocean Breeze Park's hiking trails on a map

Visit our Hiking Trails page to find more places where you can go hiking in New York City's urban jungle. 

Hiking Events

Join our Urban Park Rangers on their free hiking trips to learn more about natural and historic wonders you'll see in our parks. Find an upcoming hiking event