Fort Washington Park Hiking Trails
Fort Washington Park is home to a rich history which includes the historic “Fort Washington” site from the Revolutionary War commemorated by the “American Redoubt Marker”, hook remnants used to moor Revolutionary War era ships and the famous Little Red Lighthouse near the George Washington Bridge. The park is located in the Washington Heights neighborhood of Manhattan and runs along the Hudson River. The park offers spectacular views of the Palisades, George Washington Bridge and the wide expanse of the river. At 160-acres, Fort Washington Park is home to sweeping cliffs, meadows and active recreation amenities such as basketball fields, tennis courts and the Hudson River Greenway.
The park is home to a beautiful Forever Wild Area home to a Red Oak Heath forest that grows on the park’s rocky outcrops near the George Washington Bridge. The forest floor contains an array of wildflowers such as whorled coreopsis (Coreopsis verticillata) and meadow anemone (Anemone canadensis). Located along the Atlantic Flyway, the flowering dogwood (Cornus Florida), sweet gum (Liquidambar styraciflua) and pin oak (Quercus palustris) trees of the forest make for an excellent bird watching location. There are many migratory birds such as the rough-winged swallow (Stelgidopteryx serripennis), dark-eyed junco (Junco hyemalis) and rusty blackbird (Euphagus carolinus) that visit the park.
White Trail: The 0.94 mile long White Trail is an easy, paved out and back route for people to explore the northern end of the park. The trail entrance is accessed south of the dead end of Dyckman Street adjacent to the Dyckman Marina. Along the way, there are wonderful vistas of the Hudson River and a small transitional northern hardwoods forest that is home to several species of trees such as pin oaks (Quercus palustris), sugar maples (Acer saccharum) and sweet gum (Liquidambar styraciflua). To further explore Northern Manhattan Parks, return to Dyckman Street and head north into Inwood Hill Park, which has more trails.
Redoubt Trail: Accessible off of Riverside Drive and the Henry Hudson Parkway at 181st Street, the trail descends down a paved winding pathway. The 0.40 mile trail passes through a forever wild forest home to several species of oaks (Quercus spp.), winged sumac (Rhus Copallinum) and hackberry (Celtis occidentalis). The trail provides a scenic view of a redoubt marker honoring the heroes who fought in the American Revolution. The natural surface portion of the Redout Trail leading up to the marker was constructed by the Citywide Trails Team in 2022. The paved section of trail is part of the Hudson River Greenway, which traverses the western shoreline of Manhattan from Battery Park all the way up to Inwood Hill Park.
Interactive Map
White Trail
Redoubt Trail
Hudson River Greenway
Unnamed Official Trail
Point of Interest
Download the Fort Washington Park Trail Guide.
Points of Interest
Hudson River Lookout
This lookout along the White Trail is an excellent place to appreciate the flora and fauna of the park. Gaze out into the Hudson river to view an abundance of migratory birds as well as the changing fall foliage on the Palisades. This lookout point is best accessed from the White Trail entrance at the end of Dyckman Street.
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Palisades Scenic View
Named due to its resemblance to a “fence of stakes'', the palisades cliffs are one of the most iconic geological features in the NYC area. Located immediately west of the Redoubt Trail Marker along the Hudson Greenway, this lookout is an excellent place to get a picturesque view of the Hudson river. On a clear day, you can see Fort Tryon, Inwood, and Riverdale Parks as well as the Hudson Valley in Westchester County.
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George Washington Bridge Lookout
Named after the first president of the United States, the George Washington Bridge opened in 1931 and was the longest suspension bridge in the world when it opened. The bridge spans the Hudson River and connects New Jersey to New York City. Get an up close view of the George Washington bridge from this lookout point and take in the beautiful fall foliage as you are graced with views of New Jersey. This lookout point is just south of the Redoubt Trail on the Hudson River Greenway.
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American Redoubt Marker
Sponsored by the Daughters of the American Revolution in 1910, this historic site represents the western end of an American Revolution fortification that included Fort Washington. The fort fell to the British on November 16, 1776 and remained occupied until the end of the Revolutionary War. To access the site, take the Redoubt Trail south from 181st Street until you reach the end of the trail. This scenic viewpoint also overlooks the Hudson River with partial views of the George Washington Bridge in the background.
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Inspiration Point Shelter
Inspiration Point Shelter, on Henry Hudson Parkway at 190th Street, opened in 1925 as a resting place for pedestrians and leisure drivers. Designed by architect Gustave Steinacher in 1924, the neoclassical sitting area opened a year later and quickly became a favorite of Hudson River tourists.
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