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Results for "Wall"

12 monuments found.

Image of Battle of the Bulge

Battle of the Bulge
Wolfe's Pond Park
Staten Island

2-part granite column with star in the middle; paved plaza has semi-circular granite wall and inset mosaic design

Image of Brooklyn War Memorial

Brooklyn War Memorial
Cadman Plaza Park

Building adorned by two large figures (heroic scale), one at either end of front façade

Image of Flight 587 Memorial

Flight 587 Memorial
Flight 587 Memorial Park

Commemorative wall with inscribed names; plaza

Image of Gertie A. Gorman Memorial

Gertie A. Gorman Memorial
Amelia Gorman Park

Stele and exedra

Image of John N. LaCorte Commemorative Sculpture

John N. LaCorte Commemorative Sculpture
John Paul Jones Park

Low, crescent-shaped granite wall with bas-relief medallion of Verazzano and inscription

Image of Marine Amphitheater Groups

Marine Amphitheater Groups
Flushing Meadows Corona Park

Three panels; two with figures of music and dance, third is of the 'Aquacade'

Image of Matthew J. Buono

Matthew J. Buono
Alice Austen Park
Staten Island

Fountain and seven section wall with 5 sections inscribed

Image of Queens Vietnam Veterans Memorial

Queens Vietnam Veterans Memorial
Elmhurst Park

Two semi-circular granite walls inscribed with honor roll of 371 names of those who died, historical timeline, bamboo motif, memorial name, and military crests, surrounding a sunken seating area and plaza inscribed with a map.

Image of Ralph Ellison Memorial

Ralph Ellison Memorial
Riverside Park

Sculpture; rectangular bronze structure with cut-out male figure; four engraved stone markers

Image of The Isaiah Wall

The Isaiah Wall
Ralph Bunche Park

Staircase with curved wall, incised letters

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*Please note, a given artwork can appear in any number of categories. Category assignment and definition is a work in progress and not a definitive classification. If you do not see a particular piece of work listed within a category, please search by title or park.

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