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Results for "Allegorical"

26 monuments found.

Image of Admiral David Glasgow Farragut

Admiral David Glasgow Farragut
Madison Square Park

Standing figure (over life-size) with integral plinth, on pedestal with extended exedra wings; pedestal has bas-relief of sword in ocean waves; each wing has a life-size bas-relief of seated female figure

Image of Albert Bertel Thorvaldsen

Albert Bertel Thorvaldsen
Central Park

Portrait statue on pedestal with medallions

Image of Athena

Athens Square

Standing figure (heroic scale) on pedestal

Image of Bailey Fountain

Bailey Fountain
Grand Army Plaza

Group of three standing figures (heroic scale) on pedestal adorned with three reclining figures (heroic scale), in basin with rockwork coping

Image of Bethesda Fountain

Bethesda Fountain
Central Park

Fountain with two basins, upper basin surmounted by angel figure (heroic scale), four putti (life size) between upper and lower basins, in a circular pool

Image of Boy and Dog

Boy and Dog
Prospect Park

Group of two figures (life size)

Image of Dawn of Glory

Dawn of Glory
Highland Park

Standing male figure (heroic scale) with integral plinth on pedestal raised on three steps, tablet

Image of Discus Thrower

Discus Thrower
Randall's Island Park

Standing figure (heroic scale) with integral plinth, on pedestal, front decorated with applied wreath and urn, plaque at rear

Image of Flushing Memorial

Flushing Memorial
Daniel Carter Beard Mall

Standing, winged female figure (heroic scale) on pedestal, in front of stele, benches at sides

Image of Four Eagles

Four Eagles
Grand Army Plaza

Four columns, each with four small eagles surmounting globes at middle sections and one large eagle surmounting globe at top

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*Please note, a given artwork can appear in any number of categories. Category assignment and definition is a work in progress and not a definitive classification. If you do not see a particular piece of work listed within a category, please search by title or park.

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