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Results for "Plaza"

11 monuments found.

Image of Andrew Heiskell Plaza

Andrew Heiskell Plaza
Bryant Park

Square paved with flagstones with broad stairway enclosed by two sidewalls, top stones inscribed on stairside

Image of Bethesda Terrace

Bethesda Terrace
Central Park

Arcaded structure with decorative ceiling panels of Minton tiles; exterior has carved limestone decorations

Image of Brooklyn Korean War Veterans Plaza

Brooklyn Korean War Veterans Plaza
Korean War Veterans Plaza

Plaza, gate with three steps and wheelchair ramp, flagstaff on base, benches

Image of Duke Ellington Memorial

Duke Ellington Memorial

Standing figure (heroic scale) before a grand piano on a circular platform supported by three groups of three caryatids on three triform columns, integral plinth, two plaques on pedestal

Image of Etched Granite Pavement

Etched Granite Pavement
Flushing Meadows Corona Park

Four hundred sixty-four square, smooth, inset blocks arranged in four groups

Image of Flight 587 Memorial

Flight 587 Memorial
Flight 587 Memorial Park

Commemorative wall with inscribed names; plaza

Image of Holocaust Memorial Mall

Holocaust Memorial Mall

Tower consisting of brickwork partially concealing fourteen vertical bars supporting crown with beacon at top, three-tiered base, horizontal marker, approximately one hundred rough-hewn varisized vertical markers, two evergreen trees, evergreen shrubs

Image of John Merven Carrere Memorial

John Merven Carrere Memorial
Riverside Park

Architectural terrace

Image of Navy Terrace

Navy Terrace
Central Park

Tablet floor piece

Image of Prison Ship Martyrs Monument

Prison Ship Martyrs Monument
Fort Greene Park

Doric column surmounted by a bronze urn, on a terrace approached by 100 steps; eagles at corners of terrace; plaque and tablet

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