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Results for "Irish"

8 monuments found.

Image of Commodore John Barry

Commodore John Barry
Commodore Barry Park

Inscribed stele with Celtic cross and US Navy seal at top and text below

Image of Cornelius Heeney Memorial

Cornelius Heeney Memorial
Columbus Park

Plaque with relief medallion on plinth

Image of Francis Makemie

Francis Makemie
Bowling Green

Plaque on plinth

Image of John Wolfe Ambrose

John Wolfe Ambrose

Stele with bust

Image of Soldiers Monument

Soldiers Monument
Calvary Monument

Obelisk with applied decorations surmounted by figure (heroic scale), die with decorations on all four faces (?), graduated base; four figures (life size) on corner pedestals; fenced square with four cannons at corners and four eagles on corner piers

Image of Thomas Moore

Thomas Moore
Central Park

Portrait bust on pedestal

Image of Thomas Moore Memorial

Thomas Moore Memorial
Prospect Park

Bust on ornamented pedestal

Image of Victor Herbert

Victor Herbert
Central Park

Bust on pedestal

*Please note, a given artwork can appear in any number of categories. Category assignment and definition is a work in progress and not a definitive classification. If you do not see a particular piece of work listed within a category, please search by title or park.

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