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Results for "Jewish"

11 monuments found.

Image of American Memorial to Six Million Jews of Europe

American Memorial to Six Million Jews of Europe
Riverside Park

Tablet set in walk

Image of Emma Lazarus Memorial Plaque

Emma Lazarus Memorial Plaque
The Battery

Plaque on plinth

Image of Haym Salomon Memorial

Haym Salomon Memorial

Stele on base

Image of Holocaust Memorial Mall

Holocaust Memorial Mall

Tower consisting of brickwork partially concealing fourteen vertical bars supporting crown with beacon at top, three-tiered base, horizontal marker, approximately one hundred rough-hewn varisized vertical markers, two evergreen trees, evergreen shrubs

Image of Jerusalem Grove

Jerusalem Grove
The Battery

Grove of fifteen cedars with inscribed horizontal marker in ivy bed

Image of Jewish-American Tercentenary Flagstaff

Jewish-American Tercentenary Flagstaff

Flagstaff on base, plaque

Image of Job

Forest Park

Standing figure (life size), integral plinth

Image of Netanyahu Memorial

Netanyahu Memorial
Pelham Parkway

Tablet set in pavement

Image of Rabbi  Dr. I. Usher Kirshblum Memorial

Rabbi Dr. I. Usher Kirshblum Memorial
Freedom Square Playground

Marker embedded in traffic circle

Image of Theodor Herzl Memorial

Theodor Herzl Memorial
Freedom Square Playground

Flagstaff and base with tablet

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*Please note, a given artwork can appear in any number of categories. Category assignment and definition is a work in progress and not a definitive classification. If you do not see a particular piece of work listed within a category, please search by title or park.

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