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Results for "Composer/Musician"

17 monuments found.

Image of Antonin Dvorak

Antonin Dvorak
Stuyvesant Square

Standing three-quarter figure on base, plaque on ground

Image of Bill

Bill "Bojangles" Robinson Mural
Bill Bojangles Robinson Playground

Mural, period street lamp, plaque

Image of Duke Ellington Memorial

Duke Ellington Memorial

Standing figure (heroic scale) before a grand piano on a circular platform supported by three groups of three caryatids on three triform columns, integral plinth, two plaques on pedestal

Image of Edvard Grieg Memorial

Edvard Grieg Memorial
Prospect Park

Bust on pedestal with plaque

Image of Edwin Franko Goldman

Edwin Franko Goldman
Central Park

Plaque on exterior wall

Image of General Daniel Butterfield

General Daniel Butterfield
Sakura Park

Standing figure (over life size) on rock on pedestal

Image of George M. Cohan

George M. Cohan
Father Duffy Square

Standing figure (over life size), integral plinth, on pedestal

Image of Giuseppe Verdi

Giuseppe Verdi
Verdi Square

Statues on ped., surrounding statues

Image of Imagine

Central Park

Mosaic roundel with starburst design set in pavement, plaque set in rock outcropping about a hundred yards east of roundel

Image of Ludwig Van Beethoven

Ludwig Van Beethoven
Central Park

Bust, allegorical figure on pedestal

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*Please note, a given artwork can appear in any number of categories. Category assignment and definition is a work in progress and not a definitive classification. If you do not see a particular piece of work listed within a category, please search by title or park.

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