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Results for "Revolutionary War"

54 monuments found.

Image of Adoption of the Constitution

Adoption of the Constitution
Van Cortlandt Park

Plaque on boulder

Image of Alexander Hamilton

Alexander Hamilton
Central Park

Standing figure (over life-size) on intergral plinth, on pedestal

Image of American Redout Marker

American Redout Marker
Fort Washington Park

Large boulder resting on several medium-sized boulders, supported by about a dozen small boulders

Image of Battery Park Cannon

Battery Park Cannon
The Battery

Cannon on base, plaque

Image of Battle of Harlem Heights Marker

Battle of Harlem Heights Marker

Plaque on plinth

Image of Battle Pass Historic Marker

Battle Pass Historic Marker
Prospect Park

Plaque mounted on boulder

Image of Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin

Standing figure (over life size) on integral plinth on pedestal

Image of Brookland Ferry Landing

Brookland Ferry Landing
Hillside Dog Park

Tablet on boulder

Image of Chief Nimham Memorial

Chief Nimham Memorial
Van Cortlandt Park

Boulder-like form (cairn) bearing a plaque, on a low base

Image of Commodore John Barry

Commodore John Barry
Commodore Barry Park

Inscribed stele with Celtic cross and US Navy seal at top and text below

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*Please note, a given artwork can appear in any number of categories. Category assignment and definition is a work in progress and not a definitive classification. If you do not see a particular piece of work listed within a category, please search by title or park.

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