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Results for "Public Servant"

39 monuments found.

Image of Abraham De Peyster

Abraham De Peyster
Thomas Paine Park

Seated figure (over life-size) with integral plinth, on pedestal

Image of Anthony R. Gaeta Memorial

Anthony R. Gaeta Memorial

Staten Island
Relief plaque mounted on face of slab

Image of Arthur Cunningham

Arthur Cunningham
Cunningham Park


Image of Arthur Cunningham Flagstaff

Arthur Cunningham Flagstaff
Cunningham Park

Flagstaff base

Image of Baker Monument

Baker Monument

Staten Island
Plinth and tablet

Image of Charles B. Stover

Charles B. Stover
Central Park


Image of City Employees War Memorial

City Employees War Memorial
Central Park

Flagstaff supported by sleeve ornamented with leaves and ending in four medallions in relief and four standing eagles with outspread wings, on pedestal

Image of Commissioner Newbold Morris

Commissioner Newbold Morris
Central Park

Tablet on plinth

Image of Denis P. Gorman

Denis P. Gorman
Gorman Playground

Plaque on field house wall

Image of Doris C. Freedman Plaza Plaque

Doris C. Freedman Plaza Plaque
Central Park


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*Please note, a given artwork can appear in any number of categories. Category assignment and definition is a work in progress and not a definitive classification. If you do not see a particular piece of work listed within a category, please search by title or park.

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