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Results for "Portrait sculpture"

125 monuments found.

Image of Abraham De Peyster

Abraham De Peyster
Thomas Paine Park

Seated figure (over life-size) with integral plinth, on pedestal

Image of Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln
Prospect Park

Standing figure (over life-size) on integral plinth on pedestal with wreaths and insignia of US Army and Navy at front and rear, and two eagles, one proper left and one proper right

Image of Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln
Union Square Park

Standing figure (over life-size) with integral plinth on pedestal

Image of Admiral David Glasgow Farragut

Admiral David Glasgow Farragut
Madison Square Park

Standing figure (over life-size) with integral plinth, on pedestal with extended exedra wings; pedestal has bas-relief of sword in ocean waves; each wing has a life-size bas-relief of seated female figure

Image of Albert Bertel Thorvaldsen

Albert Bertel Thorvaldsen
Central Park

Portrait statue on pedestal with medallions

Image of Alexander Hamilton

Alexander Hamilton
Central Park

Standing figure (over life-size) on intergral plinth, on pedestal

Image of Alexander Lyman Holley

Alexander Lyman Holley
Washington Square Park

Bust on a high central stele joined by screens to shorter side steles at right and left, the whole on a plinth resting on a semi-circular step

Image of Alexander von Humboldt

Alexander von Humboldt
Central Park

Bust (over life-size) on pedestal

Image of Antonin Dvorak

Antonin Dvorak
Stuyvesant Square

Standing three-quarter figure on base, plaque on ground

Image of Aristotle

Athens Square

Bronze bust on granite pedestal

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*Please note, a given artwork can appear in any number of categories. Category assignment and definition is a work in progress and not a definitive classification. If you do not see a particular piece of work listed within a category, please search by title or park.

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