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809 monuments found.

Image of Wall Street Fountain

Wall Street Fountain

Ornamental fountain

Image of Walloon Settlers Memorial

Walloon Settlers Memorial
The Battery

Stele on base

Image of Washington A. Roebling Memorial

Washington A. Roebling Memorial
Columbus Park

Bas relief plaque recessed in die

Image of Washington Heights Memorial Honor Grove

Washington Heights Memorial Honor Grove
Highbridge Park


Image of Washington Heights-Inwood War Memorial

Washington Heights-Inwood War Memorial
Mitchel Square

Group of three doughboy figures (over life-size) with integral plinth on a low base that rests on a circular pedestal; twenty plaques facing upward and carrying the names of the dead surround the group

Image of Washington Irving Memorial

Washington Irving Memorial
Prospect Park

Bust on pedestal

Image of Washington Kill Von Kull Plaque

Washington Kill Von Kull Plaque

Staten Island
Tablet on boulder

Image of Washington Square Arch

Washington Square Arch
Washington Square Park

Triumphal arch, with two eagles, spandrel figures, two pier sculptures

Image of Washington Square Fountain

Washington Square Fountain
Washington Square Park

Circular fountain

Image of Washington Square Memorial Flagstaff

Washington Square Memorial Flagstaff
Washington Square Park

Flagstaff pedestal

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*Please note, a given artwork can appear in any number of categories. Category assignment and definition is a work in progress and not a definitive classification. If you do not see a particular piece of work listed within a category, please search by title or park.

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