Permanent Art and Monuments
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809 monuments found.
Private David W. Gentle Memorial Flagstaff
Flagstaff set in a hexagonal base with a sloped tablet beside it
Private Joseph F. Merrell, Jr. Memorial
Clove Lakes Park
Staten Island
Tablet mounted on boulder
Private Michael J. Lynch Flagstaff
Abingdon Square
Tablet on flagstaff
Prospect Park War Memorial
Prospect Park
Group of two figures on pedestal before a high, arced wall; two benches; altar; six large plaques; one small plaque; paving
Prospect Park: 100th Anniversary Plaque
Prospect Park
Plaque with two relief portraits
Provost Prison
City Hall Park
Tablet on plinth
Puerto Rican Sun
Fox Park
Assemblage of upright plates
Pulitzer Fountain
Grand Army Plaza
Fountain with sculptures: five basins in a stepped pattern support at their highest point a sixth, shell-form basin holding a standing female figure (over life-size); two rams-head horns of plenty flank the third basin
Putnam Memorial
Staten Island
Pvt. Frederick Staats Memorial
Staats Circle
Staten Island
Boulder with tablet
*Please note, a given artwork can appear in any number of categories. Category assignment and definition is a work in progress and not a definitive classification. If you do not see a particular piece of work listed within a category, please search by title or park.