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Results for "Revolutionary War"

54 monuments found.

Image of Line of Defense

Line of Defense
Prospect Park

Semi-circular tablet on boulder

Image of Margaret Corbin Plaque

Margaret Corbin Plaque
Fort Tryon Park


Image of Marquis de Lafayette

Marquis de Lafayette
Union Square Park

Portrait statue on pedestal

Image of Mary Lindley Murray

Mary Lindley Murray
Park Avenue Malls

Tablet on boulder

Image of Maryland Memorial

Maryland Memorial
Prospect Park

Large corinthian column with globe at top

Image of Nathan Hale

Nathan Hale
City Hall Park

Figure (heroic scale) on pedestal, bandeau at base

Image of Phillip Mazzei Flagstaff

Phillip Mazzei Flagstaff
Mazzei Playground

Flagstaff on base

Image of Prison Ship Martyrs Monument

Prison Ship Martyrs Monument
Fort Greene Park

Doric column surmounted by a bronze urn, on a terrace approached by 100 steps; eagles at corners of terrace; plaque and tablet

Image of Prison Window

Prison Window
Van Cortlandt Park

Ruins of old prison with tablet

Image of Provost Prison

Provost Prison
City Hall Park

Tablet on plinth

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*Please note, a given artwork can appear in any number of categories. Category assignment and definition is a work in progress and not a definitive classification. If you do not see a particular piece of work listed within a category, please search by title or park.

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