Permanent Art and Monuments
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809 monuments found.
King Wladyslaw Jagiello
Central Park
Equestrian figure (over life-size) on pedestal on base on terrace
Kissena Park World War I Monument
Kissena Park
Boulder with incised inscription
Knights of Pythias Memorial
Central Park
Korean War Memorial
Kissena Park
Over lifesized figure of soldier on mound, with separate mountainscape and honor-roll behind
Kryeti-Aekyad #2
John Jay Park
Precariously balanced pieces of steel
Lady Deborah Moody Plaque
Bronze seal and plaque on a boulder
Lafayette and Washington
Lafayette Square
Group on pedestal
Lafayette Memorial
Prospect Park
Bas-relief on stele; terrace
Large Coqui
ABC Playground
Figural sculpture of a mother and baby coqui frog
Laurel Hill Flagstaff
Triangle Fifty Four
*Please note, a given artwork can appear in any number of categories. Category assignment and definition is a work in progress and not a definitive classification. If you do not see a particular piece of work listed within a category, please search by title or park.