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Results for "Women"

29 monuments found.

Image of Mrs. Catherine I. Carroll

Mrs. Catherine I. Carroll
Metropolitan Recreation Center


Image of Polly Gordon Walk

Polly Gordon Walk

Cutout silhouette of woman watering flowers and name on pole

Image of Rockaway Women Veterans Monument

Rockaway Women Veterans Monument

Figure on pedestal

Image of Sarah Willets Meyer

Sarah Willets Meyer
Fort Totten Park

Plaque on wall

Image of Shirley Chisholm Plaque

Shirley Chisholm Plaque

Plaque inset into natural boulder.

Image of Susan E. Wagner

Susan E. Wagner
Park Avenue Malls

Tablet on plinth

Image of Wollman Portrait

Wollman Portrait
Central Park

Portrait of Betty Kohn Wollman

Image of Woman's Health Protective Association

Woman's Health Protective Association
Riverside Park

Stele, exedra, drinking fountain

Image of Women's Rights Pioneers Monument

Women's Rights Pioneers Monument

Group of one standing and two seated figures (over life size) on integral plinth and pedestal

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