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Results for "Politcal Figure"

57 monuments found.

Image of Cornelius Heeney Memorial

Cornelius Heeney Memorial
Columbus Park

Plaque with relief medallion on plinth

Image of Daniel D. Tompkins

Daniel D. Tompkins
Tompkinsville Park
Staten Island

Tablet with text

Image of Daniel Webster

Daniel Webster
Central Park

Standing figure with intergral plinth, on pedestal

Image of Debs Myers

Debs Myers
City Hall Park

Dogwood tree and plaque on plinth

Image of Dr. Sun Yat-sen Monument

Dr. Sun Yat-sen Monument

. Bronze figure (heroic size) of Dr. Sun Yat-sen; proper left hand holding a hat. Granite pedestal, with inscription at middle of east and west side.

Image of Fiorello H. La Guardia

Fiorello H. La Guardia
Little Flower Playground

Bust (life-size) on pedestal

Image of Fiorello H. La Guardia

Fiorello H. La Guardia

Standing figure (heroic scale) on pedestal

Image of Frank J. Goodwin

Frank J. Goodwin
Chelsea Park

Memorial gate posts

Image of Frank L. Dowling

Frank L. Dowling
Chelsea Park

Memorial gate posts

Image of Frederick Douglass Memorial

Frederick Douglass Memorial
Central Park

Heroic scale bronze figure, bronze fountain wall, and decorative paving and seating blocks

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*Please note, a given artwork can appear in any number of categories. Category assignment and definition is a work in progress and not a definitive classification. If you do not see a particular piece of work listed within a category, please search by title or park.

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