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Results for "Honor roll"
24 monuments found.
New Dorp World War I Memorial
Staten Island
Honor roll, cairn-type stele
Pleasant Plains Memorial
Staten Island
Female figure atop ball on integral plinth fronted by eagle rampant and backed by wreathed helmet, pedestal, base, four plaques
Prospect Park War Memorial
Prospect Park
Group of two figures on pedestal before a high, arced wall; two benches; altar; six large plaques; one small plaque; paving
Queens Vietnam Veterans Memorial
Elmhurst Park
Two semi-circular granite walls inscribed with honor roll of 371 names of those who died, historical timeline, bamboo motif, memorial name, and military crests, surrounding a sunken seating area and plaza inscribed with a map.
Ridgewood Memorial
Myrtle Avenue Clemens Triangle
Column topped by a globe, on a circular base; column faced with three bas-reliefs; honor roll of names carved in spaces between the bas-reliefs
Riverdale, Spuytenduyvil, Kingsbridge Memorial Bell Tower
Bell Tower Park
Belfrey tower and terrace; honor rolls
Saratoga Park Memorial
Standing figure with shield on integral plinth before stele; two tablets,
Unionport Memorial
Church Triangle
Eternal light on round stele
Van Nest Memorial
Van Nest Park
Vietnam Memorial
Vietnam Veterans Plaza
Glass wall, etched text, tablet
*Please note, a given artwork can appear in any number of categories. Category assignment and definition is a work in progress and not a definitive classification. If you do not see a particular piece of work listed within a category, please search by title or park.