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Results for "Civic Leader"

44 monuments found.

Image of General José Artigas

General José Artigas

Standing figure (heroic scale), integral plinth, pedestal, plaque in rear

Image of General Jose de San Martin

General Jose de San Martin
Central Park

Equestrian figure (over life-size)on integral plinth, on pedestal with escutcheon

Image of Genevieve Beavers Earle Flagstaff

Genevieve Beavers Earle Flagstaff

Plaque on flagstaff base

Image of George F. Torsney

George F. Torsney
Torsney Playground

Tablet on wall

Image of Henry Ward Beecher Monument

Henry Ward Beecher Monument
Columbus Park

Standing figure (heroic scale) with integral plinth on pedestal with two steps, a standing female figure beside pedestal proper right and two child figures beside pedestal proper left

Image of Ilse Metzger

Ilse Metzger

Wedge-shaped marker

Image of Jane Addams Memorial

Jane Addams Memorial
City Hall Park

Plaque on plinth

Image of John Finley Walk

John Finley Walk
Carl Schurz Park

Two cutout silhouettes of walking figure and name attached to pole

Image of John Golden Park

John Golden Park
John Golden Park

Plaque on right gatepost

Image of Jose Julian Marti

Jose Julian Marti
Central Park

Equestrian statue (over life-size) on integral plinth on pedestal

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*Please note, a given artwork can appear in any number of categories. Category assignment and definition is a work in progress and not a definitive classification. If you do not see a particular piece of work listed within a category, please search by title or park.

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