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Results for "American"

36 monuments found.

Image of Doris C. Freedman Plaza Plaque

Doris C. Freedman Plaza Plaque
Central Park


Image of Duke Ellington Memorial

Duke Ellington Memorial

Standing figure (heroic scale) before a grand piano on a circular platform supported by three groups of three caryatids on three triform columns, integral plinth, two plaques on pedestal

Image of Dyckman House Tablet

Dyckman House Tablet
Dyckman House Museum


Image of Eleanor Roosevelt Memorial

Eleanor Roosevelt Memorial
Riverside Park

Figure (heroic scale) half-seated against a boulder, circular foot stone, earth pedestal encircled by a low wall, concentric pavement, two inscribed pavers, two plaques

Image of Emilio Barbosa Memorial

Emilio Barbosa Memorial
Bennett Park


Image of Frederick Douglass Memorial

Frederick Douglass Memorial
Central Park

Heroic scale bronze figure, bronze fountain wall, and decorative paving and seating blocks

Image of Gravesend Cemetery DAR Plaque

Gravesend Cemetery DAR Plaque

Bronze plaque on a boulder

Image of Harriet Tubman Memorial

Harriet Tubman Memorial

Over-lifesize portrait sculpture

Image of Jane Addams Memorial

Jane Addams Memorial
City Hall Park

Plaque on plinth

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*Please note, a given artwork can appear in any number of categories. Category assignment and definition is a work in progress and not a definitive classification. If you do not see a particular piece of work listed within a category, please search by title or park.

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