Permanent Art and Monuments
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809 monuments found.
Cornelius Heeney Memorial
Columbus Park
Plaque with relief medallion on plinth
Corp. Walter J. Fufidio Flagstaff
Flagpole on granite base
Corporal George J. Wellbrock Memorial
Wellbrock Triangle
Obelisk with plaque and nameplates
Corporal John A. Seravalli Tablet
Corporal John A. Seravalli Playground
Corporal Robert Gray Tree Marker
Forest Park
Tree marker
Cpl. Louis Zimmerman
Zimmerman Playground
Plaque recessed into wall
Cpl. William Leonard Square
Leonard Square
Plaque on standard ocatagon flagstaff
Crack Is Wack
Harlem River Park
Two murals on either side of concrete handball wall
Crime Victims Memorial
City Hall Park
Cyrus Clark
Riverside Park
Plaque on boulder
*Please note, a given artwork can appear in any number of categories. Category assignment and definition is a work in progress and not a definitive classification. If you do not see a particular piece of work listed within a category, please search by title or park.