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Results for "Plaque"

291 monuments found.

Image of Frank and Constantine Busso

Frank and Constantine Busso
Joseph Manna Park
Staten Island

Two inscribed markers in ground in front of two cement plinths with blue anchors in relief

Image of Frank J. McManus Memorial

Frank J. McManus Memorial
Grand Central Parkway

Tablet on stele

Image of Frank S. Hackett

Frank S. Hackett
Hackett Park

Plaque on boulder

Image of Frederick E. Samuel Memorial

Frederick E. Samuel Memorial
Frederick Johnson Playground

Bronze plaque on pillar with incised, green-painted leaf at bottom in pavement

Image of Freedom Tree Marker

Freedom Tree Marker
Madison Square Park

Plaque recessed in plinth

Image of Freedom Tree Marker

Freedom Tree Marker

Plaque on plinth, set into ground

Image of General Edward Fowler

General Edward Fowler

Standing figure (over life size) on integral plinth on pedestal with wreath containing letters of name, and plaque

Image of General George Washington Tablet

General George Washington Tablet
Alley Pond Park

Tablet on boulder

Image of General Gouverneur Kemble Warren

General Gouverneur Kemble Warren
Grand Army Plaza

Standing figure (over life-size) on pedestal, two plaques

Image of General Horace Porter Memorial

General Horace Porter Memorial
Riverside Park

Flagstaff base with plaque

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*Please note, a given artwork can appear in any number of categories. Category assignment and definition is a work in progress and not a definitive classification. If you do not see a particular piece of work listed within a category, please search by title or park.

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