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Results for "War Memorial"
256 monuments found.
General Daniel Butterfield
Sakura Park
Standing figure (over life size) on rock on pedestal
General Edward Fowler
Standing figure (over life size) on integral plinth on pedestal with wreath containing letters of name, and plaque
General Franz Sigel
Riverside Park
Equestrian figure (over life-size) with integral plinth on a pedestal that rests on a base that allows the monument to sit at the top of a staircase
General George Washington Tablet
Alley Pond Park
Tablet on boulder
General Gouverneur Kemble Warren
Grand Army Plaza
Standing figure (over life-size) on pedestal, two plaques
General Henry Warner Slocum
Grand Army Plaza
Equestrian figure on pedestal embellished with relief eagle on front, four medallions (two on each side)
General Horace Porter Memorial
Riverside Park
Flagstaff base with plaque
General Josiah Porter
Van Cortlandt Park
Standing figure on integral plinth, on pedestal
General Kazimierz Pulaski
Silver Lake Park
Staten Island
Tablet on stele
General Philip Henry Sheridan
Christopher Park
Standing figure (over life-size) with integral plinth on pedestal
*Please note, a given artwork can appear in any number of categories. Category assignment and definition is a work in progress and not a definitive classification. If you do not see a particular piece of work listed within a category, please search by title or park.