Permanent Art and Monuments
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Results for "Sculpture"
293 monuments found.
Fiorello H. La Guardia
Little Flower Playground
Bust (life-size) on pedestal
Firemen's Memorial
Riverside Park
Monumental sarcophagus-like structure with a bas-relief, groups of figures (over life size) at either end, on terrace with fountain, and balustrades approached by a flight of steps
Fitz Greene Halleck
Central Park
Seated figure (over life-size) on integral plinth, on pedestal
Flushing Memorial
Daniel Carter Beard Mall
Standing, winged female figure (heroic scale) on pedestal, in front of stele, benches at sides
Forms in Transit
Flushing Meadows Corona Park
Large composition on pedestal
Fort Greene Eagles
Fort Greene Park
2 bronze eagles originally from Prison Ship Martyrs Monument
Fort Hamilton War Memorial
Fort Hamilton Triangle
Obelisk topped by eagle, four plaques
Fort Tryon Memorial
Fort Tryon Park
Stele with sculptured decorations
Fountain of Life
Bronx Park
Group (life size) of three figures, two of which are riding horse-like sea creatures and one that rides a porpoise, on a pedestal
Four Eagles
Grand Army Plaza
Four columns, each with four small eagles surmounting globes at middle sections and one large eagle surmounting globe at top
*Please note, a given artwork can appear in any number of categories. Category assignment and definition is a work in progress and not a definitive classification. If you do not see a particular piece of work listed within a category, please search by title or park.