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Results for "Tree marker"

17 monuments found.

Image of Australian Tree Marker

Australian Tree Marker
Madison Square Park

Plaque on plinth

Image of Borough Hall World War I Tablets

Borough Hall World War I Tablets
Columbus Park

4 tree markers on recessed plinths

Image of Canadian Burr Oak

Canadian Burr Oak

Tree marker

Image of Corporal Robert Gray Tree Marker

Corporal Robert Gray Tree Marker
Forest Park

Tree marker

Image of Frank Kelly

Frank Kelly
Van Cortlandt Park

Plaque on plinth, tree marker

Image of Freedom Tree Marker

Freedom Tree Marker
Madison Square Park

Plaque recessed in plinth

Image of Heisser Square Park Tree Markers

Heisser Square Park Tree Markers
Heisser Triangle

5 tablets

Image of James Madison Tree Marker

James Madison Tree Marker
Madison Square Park

Plaque recessed into plinth

Image of Jerusalem Grove

Jerusalem Grove
The Battery

Grove of fifteen cedars with inscribed horizontal marker in ivy bed

Image of John F. Kennedy Memorial Tree

John F. Kennedy Memorial Tree
Columbus Park

Zalcolora tree, marker set in ground

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