Soundview Park Bolton Point Coastal Habitat Restoration and Park Construction
100% complete
0% complete
0% complete
This project will restore the coastal wetland and upland maritime area, and construct a park entry, pedestrian pathway, and plaza area at Bolton Point in Soundview Park.
Project Notes
Project Update: Design is complete and permitting and legal review of the contract are in progress.
The completion date has changed. To learn more about why schedules change, please visit the How We Build Parks page.
Project Timeline
Assigned & Start Date: November 2018
Projected Completion Date:
October 2023
Completion Date:
October 2024
The average time for procurement is 9-12 months. The procurement timeline for this specific contract will be established at the conclusion of the design phase.
The average time for construction is 12-18 months. The construction timeline for this specific contract will be established at the conclusion of the procurement phase.
Understand how we build parks.
Funding Sources:
- City Council
- Mayoral
- State
Soundview Park, Bronx
End of Underhill Avenue near U Street
Community Board: 09
Project Staff
Contact NYC Parks about this projectLast updated: 03/28/2025