Queens Street Tree Planting FY25 - Community Board 14

  • Design
    90% complete
  • Procurement
    0% complete
  • Construction
    0% complete

This project will plant new and replacement trees in Community Boards 14 in Queens.

Project Notes

Project Update: All contract documents are now in final review to complete the design process.

Project Timeline


Assigned & Start Date: October 2023
Projected Completion Date: October 2024


The average time for procurement is 9-12 months. The procurement timeline for this specific contract will be established at the conclusion of the design phase.


The average time for construction is 12-18 months. The construction timeline for this specific contract will be established at the conclusion of the procurement phase.

Understand how we build parks.


Total Funding: Less than $1 million
Funding Source: Mayoral


Various locations in Queens

Project Staff

Contact NYC Parks about this project

Last updated: 10/11/2024