Carter G. Woodson Children’s Park Reconstruction
0% complete
0% complete
0% complete
This project will reconstruct the playground, passive recreation and sitting area, dog run, and sidewalk in Carter G. Woodson Children's Park.
Project Notes
Project Update: A meeting was held with stakeholders to discuss the scope of work for the project. Parks is now reviewing feedback from the meeting and the scope of work to determine the schedule for the project.
Project Timeline
Assigned & Start Date: October 2024
The average time for procurement is 9-12 months. The procurement timeline for this specific contract will be established at the conclusion of the design phase.
The average time for construction is 12-18 months. The construction timeline for this specific contract will be established at the conclusion of the procurement phase.
Understand how we build parks.
Funding Source: Mayoral
Carter G. Woodson Children's Park, Brooklyn
Christopher Avenue between Belmont and Sutter Avenues
Community Board: 16
Project Staff
Project Liaison: James Morris
Contact NYC Parks
about this project
Last updated: 03/28/2025