List of Parks
This is not an entirely exhaustive list of Park Properties. If you see something missing or have a suggestion of how we can improve this list, please contact us.
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Brooklyn Parks by Name
Cadman Plaza Park
Cadman Plaza West, Cadman Plaza East bet. BQE and Tillary St.
Callahan-Kelly Playground
Fulton St., Truxton St., bet. Eastern Pkwy. and Van Sinderen Ave.
Canarsie Park
Belt Pkwy, Seaview Ave Btw: Paerdegat Basin, E 93 S, E 102 St, Fresh Creek Basin
Jamaica Bay and the Rockaways
Multiple properties around the perimeter of Jamaica Bay
Captain John McKenna, IV Park
Vanderbilt St. bet. E. 4 St. and E. 5 St.
Carter G. Woodson Children's Park
Christopher Ave. between Sutter Ave. and Belmont Ave.
Carver Playground
Sumpter St. to Marion St. between Howard Ave. and Ralph Ave.