Northern Manhattan Parks 2030 Master Plan Public Input and Information Gathering

We developed the Northern Manhattan Parks Master Plan with considerable input from community residents, “Friends of Groups,” Manhattan Community Board 12, local partner organizations, park experts, elected officials, an Advisory Council and our Inwood and Highbridge Operations groups. Public meetings, workshops, site visits, interviews, interactive web platforms and non-profit and sister agency plan reviews helped shape the final recommendations of the plan. We researched the location and quantity of recreational facilities, the health status of the community, as well as what social and physical obstacles most need to be addressed.

We interviewed neighborhood experts and park users. Highbridge and Inwood Operations and PEP personnel provided essential information. We asked people to tell us what the Northern Manhattan Parks would look like in 20 years, if their wishes were granted.

They envisioned a greener neighborhood that is more connected to the parks, a linked system of scenic and safe pedestrian and bicycle paths, a healthy natural shoreline, use of the river shorelines, and more recreational facilities with restrooms.

We used the Princeton Sociology department’s interactive website All Our Ideas to reach people who do not go to meetings. You can view the public’s input on the Interactive Public Input Map.

Find out more in the Purpose, Planning Goals, and Information Gathering section of the Master Plan.