List of Parks
This is not an entirely exhaustive list of Park Properties. If you see something missing or have a suggestion of how we can improve this list, please contact us.
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Brooklyn Parks by Name
Colonel David Marcus Playground
Ave. P bet. E. 4 St. and Ocean Pkwy.
Colonel Donald Cook Square
Fort Hamilton Pkwy, Caton Ave, and Mcdonald Av
Columbus Park
Adam St., Court St., Cadman Plaza West bet. Johnson St. and Fulton St.
Commodore Barry Park
Nassau St., Park Ave., bet. Navy St. and N. Elliot Pl.
Coney Island Beach & Boardwalk
Corbin Pl. to W. 37 St., Boardwalk
Coney Island Creek Park
Bay View Ave. between Sea Gate Ave. and W. 33 St.