Myrtle Avenue Clemens Triangle
Ridgewood War Memorial
A gift of the Gold Star Mothers, the organization of mothers who lost sons or daughters in the service of the country, this memorial, dedicated on Memorial Day 1923, honors Ridgewood residents who died during World War I (1914-1918). Sculptor Anton Schaaf (1869-1943) created the bronze bas-reliefs representing the Army, Navy, and Air Force that are featured on the 11-foot-high cylinder surmounted by a low relief globe.
The Army bas-relief depicts a soldier and woman with a torch, the Navy bas-relief features a sailor and Neptune (the Roman god of water), and the Air Force bas-relief displays an aviator with an allegorical female figure. The honor rolls inscribed into the pillar between the reliefs list the names of the 110 servicemen from this neighborhood who lost their lives while fighting in the war. The granite pillar was designed by Helmle and Corbett architects; Schaaf also collaborated with Helmle and Corbett on the Glendale War Memorial in Queens. The monument was restored through a city capital contract completed in 2003.
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