02/27 Greenbelt Native Plant Center Beachgrass Processing

Date: 02/27/2025

Location: Greenbelt Native Plant Center (Staten Island) (opens in new tab)
Victory Blvd. bet. Ridgeway Ave. and Travis Ave., Staten Island

Meeting Location: Greenbelt Native Plant Center Parking Lot

Description: Join the NYC Parks Stewardship team and staff at the Greenbelt Native Plant Center while we process beach grass for the upcoming spring season! This project involves the preparation of Ammophila, a grass that is crucial for storm mitigation, before it can be planted in coastal dunes. Before these grasses are ready to be planted in sand dunes, they must be processed and packaged in a way to ensure their viability. This process involves removing outer brown sheaths (layers) of old growth to expose the green live portion of the plants, as well as removing excess roots and rhizomes. Volunteers should dress in clothes that can get dirty, close-toed shoes, and warm layers.


Day of week Start time End time
Thursday 10:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m.