Roy Wilkins Recreation Center
Merrick Blvd. bet. 115 Ave., 116 Ave., and Baisley Blvd.
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Roy Wilkins is far more than an ordinary park or recreation center. Named after the famed civil rights leader and former NAACP president, this unique public space is a cultural touchstone for all of New York City.
The park's 425-seat theater is home to its own troupe, the Black Spectrum Theatre, which is devoted to performing socially-conscious dramas. But the theater isn't the park's only innovation—a four-acre vegetable garden gives local kids and adults the opportunity to grow their own produce, an exceptional space in a city as crowded as New York.
And Roy Wilkins is well-loved for its other features, as well. When the weather warms up, the park's handball, basketball, and tennis courts are filled to the brim, and swimmers use its indoor pool all year long.
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