Prospect Park

Parks Welcomes Newest Urban Park Service Officers

Friday, May 8, 2009
No. 41

Today, Parks Commissioner Adrian Benepe and members of the Urban Park Service celebrated the newest classes of Urban Park Rangers, Parks Enforcement Patrol and Central Communications staff members and honored Parkies who have contributed to the Urban Park Service’s success. The event was held at the Prospect Park Picnic House.

“The Urban Park Service officers ensure the safety and enjoyment of New Yorkers of our city’s parks, as well as showing the public hidden treasures of the urban natural world. Their role makes them an invaluable part of the Parks Department,” said Parks Commissioner Benepe. “I am proud to welcome a strong new class into the ranks and award veteran Parkies for the work we hope they will continue.”

Seventy-five new Urban Park Service graduates joined the ranks of Parks’ enforcement operations. Current Parks employees were recognized with a range of awards from “Beyond the Call” to the “Life Saving Award,” to the “Honorable Service Award.” Urban Park Service employees were also honored for milestone years of service. Award recipients represent Parks divisions from all five boroughs.

Since 1979, the Urban Park Service has been protecting parks and educating the public about New York City’s natural resources. Urban Park Rangers educate park users of all ages about urban wildlife and plants while overseeing the well-being of natural life in the parks. Parks Enforcement Patrol officers provide medical aid to the injured, help reunite lost children with their families and keep the peace by providing crowd control at special events and stopping inappropriate behavior in parks. The Central Communications Division coordinates important messages between divisions and works with all parts of the Parks Department to alert employees of emergencies, incidents and special events.

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