Prospect Park

Hiking Trails

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NameLocationPark NameLength
LullwaterEnter Park at Lincoln Road and Ocean Avenue entrance. Trails begin or are near the Prospect Park Audubon Center.Prospect Park1.0 mile
DifficultyOther DetailsAccessibleLimited Access
EasyExplore the Lullwater to see how nature thrives in the heart of Brooklyn. The Lullwater is a great place to see birds and other wildlife. Bathrooms, café and trail guides are available at the Prospect Park Audubon Center.
NameLocationPark NameLength
MidwoodEnter Park at Lincoln Road and Ocean Avenue entrance. Trails begin or are near the Prospect Park Audubon Center.Prospect Park0.75 miles
DifficultyOther DetailsAccessibleLimited Access
EasyStep back in time with a walk through Brooklyn’s oldest remaining forest. The Midwood, home to some of Prospect Park’s largest trees, is a relic of Brooklyn’s history, and was preserved and incorporated into the park during its original construction. The thirty-minute hike loops from Prospect Park’s Audubon Center through a forest filled with birds and other animals.
NameLocationPark NameLength
PeninsulaEnter Park at Lincoln Road and Ocean Avenue entrance. Trails begin or are near the Prospect Park Audubon Center.Prospect Park0.5 miles
DifficultyOther DetailsAccessibleLimited Access
EasyDiscover how the Peninsula has changed over the last 300 years. The Peninsula's restored landscapes provide scenic views, a home for Park wildlife, and great fishing. Bathrooms, café and trail guides are available at the Prospect Park Audubon Center.
NameLocationPark NameLength
WaterfallEnter Park at Lincoln Road and Ocean Avenue entrance. Trails begin or are near the Prospect Park Audubon Center.Prospect Park0.5 miles
DifficultyOther DetailsAccessibleLimited Access
EasyTrace the source of the Lake on the Waterfall trail. The Fallkill Falls is the first of six waterfalls that you will see along the Park's watercourse. Bathrooms, café and trail guides are available at the Prospect Park Audubon Center.

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