Prospect Park

The Daily Plant : Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Met Opera Wows Prospect Park Crowd

Violinist prepares for Met Opera performance in Prospect Park
Photo by Malcolm Pinckney

Last Friday night, two of opera’s biggest stars, soprano Angela Gheorghiu and tenor Roberto Alagna, performed together in Brooklyn’s Prospect Park. Together with the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra and Chorus, the concert drew an enthusiastic crowd of about 50,000.

The married star couple of Gheorghiu and Alagna sang popular arias and duets by Verdi, Puccini, Donizetti, Massenet, and others, conducted by Ion Marin. Gheorghiu and Alagna performed on a larger than normal stage in Prospect Park’s Long Meadow baseball fields, surrounded by jumbo video screens that were strategically placed throughout the area to maximize the viewing experience.


June 25, 1950 marked the beginning of the Korean War. Parks’ very own Revenue Inspector, Frank Acquaviva, was there, stationed in the 2nd Infantry Indian Head Division. Here’s to all of our brave veterans who served our country.


Eco-Friendly Fact of the Day

“Artificial lighting accounts for 44 percent of the
electricity use in office buildings.”

“10 Ways to Go Green at Work.”


“There's an old saying about those who forget history.
I don't remember it, but it's good.”

Stephen Colbert
(1964 - )

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