Prospect Park

The Daily Plant : Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Prospect Park Is All Aglow In Lights

Photo by Daniel Avila

Just in time for the holiday season, Prospect Park is glowing.  Sponsored by the New York Daily News, four of the Park’s entrances are being illuminated each evening through January 7, 2007.

On November 27, Mayor Bloomberg joined New York Daily News Chairman & Publisher Mort Zuckerman and his daughter Abigail to flip the switch on the installation. Parks & Recreation Commissioner Adrian Benepe, Transportation Commissioner Iris Weinshall, Deputy Borough President Yvonne Graham and Prospect Park Alliance President Tupper Thomas joined the festivities that included entertainment by the Brooklyn Steppers Marching Band, the Brooklyn Philharmonic, and students from I.S. 206, P.S. 115 and P.S. 154.  Although it was an unusually warm evening for late November, hot chocolate was available to the many community members who attended.

This temporary public display, consisting of more than 600,000 light-emitting diodes (LEDs), was made possible through the Daily News’ generous gift to the Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City to provide holiday cheer and to bring New Yorkers and visitors into one of our landmark parks during the winter season.

“This project reflects the spirit of the holiday season in a uniquely New York way,” said Mayor Bloomberg.  “New Yorkers and visitors have one more reason to experience our treasured public parks and to explore magnificent Prospect Park. We are grateful to the Daily News and Mort Zuckerman for this generous and creative gift to the City.”

The illuminated displays, which were created by noted Brooklyn-based lighting designer Jim Conti, decorate the major gateways to the Park: Grand Army Plaza, including the historic Soldier’s and Sailor’s Memorial Arch and the Bailey Fountain; Bartel-Pritchard Circle; Park Circle; and the Parkside and Ocean Avenue entrance. Many of the lights will change colors and are synchronized with wireless animated controllers. The lights are energy efficient and long-lasting, transforming some of Prospect Park’s most historic architectural elements into a wonderful holiday spectacle. These will include a wave-shaped structure built and covered in lights to create the effect of flowing water at Bailey Fountain and colored lights placed on the Pergola at the Parkside and Ocean entrance, giving the appearance of blooming vines. At Bartel-Pritchard Circle, blue and green lights climb the column and at Park Circle, four red and white balls that resemble giant Christmas tree ornaments decorate the entrance. 

A series of community celebrations will also take place at different Park entrances in December to enhance the enjoyment of Prospect Park in Lights, organized by the Prospect Park Alliance.  Celebrations, including trumpeters from the Brooklyn Philharmonic, are scheduled to perform on December 10 at Park Circle and December 17 at Parkside and Ocean Avenue.

On Saturday and Sunday evenings there will be free trolley bus service around the Park for viewing the lights. Trolleys will leave from Grand Army Plaza from 6:45 p.m. to 8:15 p.m. Finally, on New Year’s Eve, Borough President Marty Markowitz will sponsor a fireworks display over the Park and entertainment at Grand Army Plaza.


“Her virtue is that she said what she thought. 
Her vice was that what she thought didn’t amount to much.”

Peter Ustinov
(1921 – 2004)

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