Prospect Park

The Daily Plant : Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Eco-friendly Vehicles On Display At Prospect Park

photo by Eugene Patron

This week the international auto show at the Jacob Javits Center was not the only game in town. Prospect Park’s annual Earth Week celebration featured an environmental-friendly vehicle display.

On April 20, Parks & Recreation and the Prospect Park Alliance hosted an Earth Week vehicle display at the Prospect Park Audubon Center at the Boathouse. Prospect Park Alliance President Tupper Thomas and Parks’ Chief of Operations Keith Kerman were joined by Council Member David Yassky, State Senator Carl Andrews and DCAS Deputy Commissioner Virginia Ross to focus on ways to sustain the environment for the future, from alternative fuels to New York’s water systems.

"The alternative fuel vehicles used in Prospect Park not only protect the environment, but they help enhance people’s enjoyment of the Park," explained Prospect Park Alliance President Tupper Thomas. "Our electric GEM carts are quiet and allow our staff to access many parts of the Park without having to drive more conventional, larger sized vehicles. The same is true of our whisper quiet electric boat, Independence. Visitors can view wildlife up close that otherwise would be scared away by a noisy diesel engine. Of course, of all the forms of transportation in Prospect Park, the most fuel-efficient are our pedal boats, which only require people power!"

Keith Kerman discussed the strides that Parks and our partners, such as the Prospect Park Alliance, have made in new technology and described the 400 alternative fuel vehicles already being used in the five boroughs. Council Member Yassky held up his toy earth-ball, which was given out at the event, and said, "We have to remember that it is really a small world." He also recognized that Parks leads all City agencies in the alternative fuel program. Senator Andrews spoke of his love for animals and nature, including the bird that chirps outside his window in Brooklyn every morning at 4 a.m. from a peach tree.

The idyllic Audubon Center was an appropriate venue for this event, honoring the planet Earth by demonstrating our efforts to incorporate alternative fuel vehicles into our fleet. On display against the background of Prospect Park Lake were an all-electric Toyota RAV4, a hybrid Toyota Prius, a hybrid Honda Civic, a hybrid Chevy Silverado pickup, a Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) cargo van, a biodiesel Volkswagen Jetta, an electric police scooter, and an electric GEM golf cart.

Fuel-Bio and Donaldson, two companies who specialize in environmentally-friendly technologies, were also on hand. Fuel-Bio produces biodiesel, a type of diesel made from plants such as soy instead of fossil fuels. Besides being safer for the environment, without the toxicity and emissions of regular diesel, biodiesel is made from plants grown right here in America. Donaldson makes products which reduce emissions in a different way. Donaldson manufactures diesel oxidation catalysts and diesel particulate filters, both of which capture many of the toxins which spew into the air from a truck's tailpipe.

With numerous new local laws being created that require City vehicles to move toward alternative energy sources, Parks is ahead of the curve. We will continue to explore new technologies as they arrive. To see many examples of the latest vehicles and equipment on the market, come to the 18th Annual Parks fleet show on May 17, 2006 at Randall’s Island. It will be held from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. If you would like additional information on the fleet show, please call Operations at 212-360-8287.

Written by Mahanth Joishy


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