Prospect Park

The Daily Plant : Friday, May 17, 2002


Yes, Managers do make house calls. On Friday, May 10, Brooklyn Managers loaded up a pick up truck and took to the field. The managerial mobile crew made itself available to District 6/7 PPS Elido Rivas who is challenged with one of the largest and "dirtiest" districts in the borough. The crew was assigned to the Phoenix Project soccer field where they raked and removed leaves from the perimeter, trimmed weeds, and exposed long covered curb lines. The soccer field, created from a vacant lot by borough forces several years ago, is about to be permitted to leagues for its first season. Last week’s cleaning gave the site a needed spruce up in anticipation of the upcoming season.

Written by Nancy Barthold


"It’s My Park" Day- Saturday, May 18
Time: All day
Place: Parks citywide
Join Parks and Partnerships for Parks to show your support by sprucing up neighborhood parks. For information call (212)360-8157 or visit

Harlem Jazz Dance Festival- Friday, May 17- Sunday, May 19
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Place: Marcus Garvey Park
Come Enjoy three days of performances, competitions, and events focusing on a wide variety of dance and music styles, including African, Hip-hop, Lindy hop, Salsa, and Tap. For information call (212) 426-9433.

You Gotta Have Park!- Saturday, May 18 and Sunday, May 19
Time:10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Place: Prospect Park
Enjoy various activities throughout the park and help raise money. For more information call (718) 965-8960.

Pinkster Day- Sunday, May 19
Time: 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Place: Lefferts Homestead, Prospect Park
Come dance and sing in this modern celebration adapted from historic Dutch and African traditions. Enjoy storytelling, dancers, drummers, and Dutch treats. For information call (718) 789-2822.

AIDS Walk- Sunday, May 19
Time: 9:30 a.m.
Place: Central Park
Join the fight against AIDS with this annual fundraiser for the Gay Men’s Health Crisis. For information call (212) 807-WALK



Sal Filingeri, who permits ballfields in the Manhattan Special Events Office, spends his free time after work volunteering for Special Olympics, an organization that provides mentally retarded children and adults with an athletic league of their own. Using contacts he has established while working for Parks, Sal helps to plan and promote Special Olympic events. His association with the Public School Athletic League (PSAL) has helped him to secure referees and officials for many Special Olympic games and meets. Currently, he is helping to plan the Metro Games, which will be held on June 1, at Riverbank State Park. It’s one of the biggest events of the year and promises to draw Special Olympics athletes from all over Manhattan as well as several community leaders.

Sal first became involved with the Special Olympics when he interned with them during college. He worked primarily as a writer, for the Special Olympics monthly newsletter called Triumph, covering major seasonal meets and profiling exceptional athletes and teams. The talent and drive of the players he encountered impressed Sal, an athlete himself. He found much to be admired about their attitude and sportsmanship, saying, "It’s been a really eye-opening experience to watch them play. I mean, there I am, getting all mad for coming in second, and then there’s the kid coming in dead last with a big smile on his face."

This summer, Sal will continue volunteering at the Special Olympics while working as a summer pool supervisor at Asser Levy Recreation Center.

Written by Hannah Gersen


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Robert M. Pirsig

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