Pelham Bay Park

The Daily Plant : Thursday, October 30, 2003


Photo by Stuart Ramson

On Monday, October 27, H.S.H. Crown Prince Albert of Monaco joined Parks & Recreation Commissioner Adrian Benepe, Fire Commissioner Nicholas Scoppetta, and representatives from NYPD and the Port Authority, along with American Forests and the Municipal Art Society to dedicate the Living Memorial Grove in Lower Manhattan in memory of the lives lost on September 11, 2001. Several family members who lost relatives during the World Trade Center attacks also attended the ceremony. The Living Memorial Grove features five trees, known as "Survivor Trees," that were relocated from the plaza at the World Trade Center.

"Our parks and their trees are like green cathedrals, offering comfort during difficult times, and these new trees will help us remember those we lost on September 11, 2001," said Commissioner Benepe.

The Living Memorial Grove includes three Littleleaf lindens and two Callery pears. Surrounded by beautiful white flowers, each "Survivor Tree" stands approximately 25 feet tall and is 6 inches in diameter. At the ceremony, officials unveiled a dedication plaque for the Grove, located directly across from City Hall, off Park Row and the Brooklyn Bridge.

"On behalf of the Principality of Monaco and all the contributors to the Living Memorial Tree Foundation, I am honored to establish this significant memorial in remembrance of those who lost their lives on September 11th," said Prince Albert. H.S.H. Prince Albert of Monaco has long-lasting ties with the United States, largely on account of his American-born mother, the late Princess Grace.

The Honorable Maguy Maccario-Doyle, Consul General of Monaco, Deborah Gangloff, Executive Director of American Forests, Kent Barwick, President of the Municipal Art Society, Chief Mike O'Neill of NYPD, and Charles Meara, Assistant Director with the Port Authority attended Monday's event. Parks & Recreation's First Deputy Commissioner Liam Kavanagh, Manhattan Borough Commissioner William Castro, and Director of Forestry and Horticulture Fiona Watt, among others, also lent their support.

The Living Memorial Grove was created with funding provided by the Living Memorial Tree Foundation (LMTF), established by Prince Albert with the help and support of Parks & Recreation, American Forests, and the Municipal Art Society. LMTF will also plant trees throughout the City in memory of each of those lost on September 11, 2001. Each tree will serve as a living legacy for the lives lost at the World Trade Center. Starting this fall and continuing through 2004 the American Forests' Historic Tree Nursery in Jacksonville, FL. will grow trees for planting in natural areas throughout New York City. These trees will be saplings native to the New York City area.

The LMTF is also sponsoring 16 Freedom Trees to be installed at fire houses, NYPD precincts, and Port Authority facilities. The City will plant two Dawn redwoods at several sites to serve as reminders of the sacrifices that our emergency service personnel make every day on behalf of their fellow New Yorkers, and, in particular, the tremendous sacrifice made by those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001.

Special thanks to the Manhattan Special Events team and the Operations division for their efforts on this ceremony.

Written by Jocelyn Aframe


Frank Acquaviva, Revenue Inspector for Parks & Recreation, was recently honored a commemoration ceremony for Korean War veterans. For the first time, veterans were presented with the Korean War Freedom Medallion. The October 18 event was hosted by U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton and the Department of Defense 50th Anniversary of the Korean War Commemoration Committee. Congratulations, Frank, on receiving this honor.


"To see a world in a grain of sand
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand
And eternity in an hour."

William Blake

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