Lost Battalion Hall Recreation Center
Queens Blvd. bet. 62 Ave. and 62 Rd.
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This recreational center is named for the heroism of the United States Army’s 77th Division, honoring its service in World War I (1914-1918). Stationed in France, this New York division fought in the Battle of the Argonne.
While attempting to overtake German-held land near Charlevaux, France, 301 men from Companies A, B, C, D, E, G, H, and K became isolated from the remainder of the division. For five days, between October 3, 1918, and October 7, 1918, the American soldiers, down to one day’s ration per man, managed to successfully repel the opposing German forces. Throughout the battle, the isolated soldiers were able to communicate with their division solely by carrier pigeon. In holding out against the German onslaught, the company endured the loss of roughly 107 men. Given the number of casualties lost during the battle, the soldiers are remembered as members of “The Lost Battalion.”
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Lost Battalion Hall Recreation Center is closed due to construction. Visit our Capital Tracker page for updates on this project.