Hart Island is located in the Long Island Sound near City Island in the Bronx. Since 1869, the island has been used as a site for public burials, and is the final resting place for more than a million souls. The island is jointly operated by NYC Parks and the NYC Department of Social Services. Please visit the City’s Hart Island page for more information on visiting the island and finding a loved one.
Hart Island Concept Plan
NYC Parks is developing a Concept Plan for Hart Island centered around the goals of improving access to the island, visitor experience, the island’s natural ecology, resiliency to severe weather events, and operations. NYC Parks is leading the study, and additional City agency stakeholders include the Human Resources Administration, the Department of Transportation, and the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner. The Concept Plan will be developed during 2024 and 2025. Members of the public were invited to share their ideas for the island through a virtual public workshop, digital survey, and voicemail during June and July of 2024. A second virtual public workshop was held on Thursday November 7, 2024 to previous some of the projects to be included in the final plan. NYC Parks expects to release the final plan in early 2025.
View the presentation slides from the November 7 input meeting (versión en español).
View the presentation slides from June 18 public workshop meeting (versión en español).
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