Freshkills Park

The Daily Plant : Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Parks Appoints Project Administrator For Freshkills Park

Commissioner Adrian Benepe is pleased to announce the appointment of Eloise Hirsh as Project Administrator for the development of Freshkills Park on Staten Island.

In her role as Freshkills Park Administrator, Eloise will lead a strong team from the Parks Planning, Capital and Natural Resource divisions. Other agency partners include the Department of Sanitation, Department of City Planning, and Department of Transportation, as well as the New York State Departments of Environmental Conservation, Transportation, and the U.S. Department of State. Eloise is also charged with coordinating closely with elected officials on Staten Island.

The position represents an exciting return to the Parks family for Eloise, who also served as First Deputy Commissioner for the Parks Department from 1978 to 1980 under former Commissioner Gordon J. Davis. Eloise moved to Pennsylvania in 1987, where, among other positions, she served as Pittsburgh’s Director of City Planning. With her considerable experience in government, including the management of numerous projects and oversight of extensive interagency coordination, Eloise is an ideal choice to lead the Parks Department’s initiative of creating the City’s first new flagship park for the 21st century.

Eloise earned a bachelor’s degree in political science from Sarah Lawrence College. In addition to her role at Parks, Eloise is an adjunct assistant professor of planning at New York University’s Wagner School. She resides in Manhattan with her husband, Herb Elish. She has one daughter, two stepsons, and four grandchildren.

Please join us in wishing Eloise every success in her role at Parks.


For over twenty years, the Arsenal Gallery has celebrated the onset of the winter with an exhibition of non-traditional wreaths made of every possible material, from feathers and barbed wire to rubber tires or forged steel. Artists, craftspeople, botanists, and other creative spirits are invited to put a new spin on this timeless circular form. The show is always a crowd-pleaser and has been featured in the New York Times, New York Newsday, and other media outlets.

Submission deadline: Friday, November 3
Drop-off date: Monday-Wednesday, November 20-22
Opening reception: Wednesday, November 29, 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Exhibition dates: Thursday, November 30 – Friday, December 29
Pick-up date: January 2, 2007, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Wreaths exhibited in past Arsenal Gallery shows will not be considered. Wreaths will be hung from gallery molding, not mounted on the wall, so please incorporate loops (above the midpoint of your wreath) in your design.

 Sketch or photograph of your design
 Brief written description, including exact dimensions and media/materials
 Complete contact information, including name, address, phone number and e-mail address.

Send to: Clare Weiss
The Arsenal, Rm. 20
New York, NY 10021
Questions: (212) 360-8163,


“A seed hidden in the heart of an apple is an orchard invisible.”

Welsh Proverb

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