The Greenbelt Native Plant Center (GNPC), a facility of the New York City Department of Parks & Recreation, is a 13–acre greenhouse, nursery, and seed bank complex located on Staten Island, NY.

Millennium Seed Bank Project: New York City Region

The Greenbelt Native Plant Center (GNPC) is one of the many worldwide partners working with the Royal Botanic Garden's Millennium Seed Bank Project (MSBP).

Species Collected and Location of Collection 2006–2007

  • Amelanchier arborea – Common serviceberry (Bergen County)
  • Prunus maritima – Beach plum (Suffolk County)
  • Hudsonia tomentosa – Wolly beachheather (Nassau County)
  • Gaylussacia baccata – Black huckleberry (Ocean County)
  • Vaccinium angustifolium – Lowbush blueberry (Monmouth County)
  • Rubus allegheniensis – Allegheny blackberry (Richmond County)
  • Polygonatum pubescens – Hairy Solomon's seal (Richmond County)
  • Rosa carolina – Carolina rose (Richmond County)
  • Viburnum acerifolium – Mapleleaf viburnum (Richmond County)
  • Viburnum prunifolium – Blackhaw (Morris County)
  • Rhexia mariana– Maryland meadowbeauty (Burlington County)
  • Cyperus retrorsus – Pine barren flatsedge (Ocean County)
  • Cyperus echinatus – Globe flatsedge (Richmond County)
  • Ilex verticillata – Common winterberry (Morris County)
  • Alisma subcordatum – American water plantain (Morris County)
  • Juncus greenei – Greene's rush (Richmond County)
  • Carex swanii – Swan's sedge (Monmouth County)
  • Eupatorium hyssopifolium– Hyssopleaf thoroughwort (Richmond County)
  • Eupatorium fistulosum – Trumpetweed (Richmond County)
  • Euthamia caroliniana – Slender goldentop (Richmond County)
  • Pityopsis falcata – Sickleleaf silkgrass (Suffolk County)
  • Hypericum gentianoides – Orangegrass (Ocean County)
  • Spiraea tomentosa – Steeplebush (Richmond County)
  • Danthonia spicata – Poverty oatgrass (Richmond County)
  • Gaultheria procumbens – Eastern teaberry (Burlington County)
  • Betula lenta – Sweet birch (Richmond County)
  • Betula populifolia – Gray birch (Richmond County)
  • Gaylussacia frondosa – Blue huckleberry (Ocean County)
  • Hudsonia ericoides – Pine barren goldenheather (Burlington County)
  • Ilex glabra – Inkberry (Ocean County)
  • Lyonia ligustrina – Maleberry (Burlington County)
  • Lyonia mariana – Piedmont staggerbush (Burlington County)
  • Morella pensylvanica – Northern bayberry (Richmond County)
  • Rhus copallina – Winged Sumac (Richmond County)
  • Vaccinium macrocarpon – Cranberry (Burlington County)
  • Drosera filiformis – Threadleaf sundew (Burlington County)
  • Drosera intermedia – Spoonleaf sundew (Ocean County)
  • Solidago odora – Anisescented goldenrod (Burlington County)
  • Danthonia compressa – Flattened oatgrass (New York County)
  • Chimaphila maculata – Spotted wintergreen (Richmond County)
  • Leucothoe racemosa – Swamp doghobble (Richmond County)

Species Projected for Collection 2008–2009

  • Amelanchier laevis – Allegheny serviceberry
  • Apios americana – Groundnut
  • Aristida tuberculosa – Seaside threeawn
  • Baptisia tinctoria – Horseflyweed
  • Carex albolutescens – Greenwhite sedge
  • Carex bromoides– Broom–like sedge
  • Carex crinita – Fringed sedge
  • Carex debilis– White edge sedge
  • Carex folliculata – Northern long sedge
  • Carex gracilescens – Slender looseflower sedge
  • Carex straminea – Eastern straw sedge
  • Carex tonsa – Shaved sedge
  • Collinsonia canadensis – Richweed
  • Desmodium glabellum – Dillenius' ticktrefoil
  • Desmodium obtusum – Stiff ticktrefoil
  • Desmodium rotundifolium – Prostrate ticktrefoil
  • Epigaea repens – Trailing arbutus
  • Eupatorium sessilifolium – Upland boneset
  • Helianthemum canadense – Longbranch frostweed
  • Helianthus divaricatus – Woodland sunflower
  • Ilex laevigata – Smooth winterberry
  • Juncus brachycephalus – Smallhead rush
  • Lysimachia quadrifolia – Whorled yellow loosestrife
  • Lysimachia terrestris– Earth loosestrife
  • Myrica gale – Sweetgale
  • Potentilla simplex– Common quinquefoil
  • Pycnanthemum incanum – Hoary mountainmint
  • Rhododendron periclymenoides – Pink azalea
  • Rubus flagellaris – Northern dewberry
  • Rosa palustris– Swamp rose
  • Rubus occidentalis– Black raspberry
  • Rumex verticillatus– Swamp dock
  • Smilax glauca – Cat greenbrier
  • Smilax rotundifolia – Roundleaf greenbrier
  • Strophostyles helvula – Amberique–bean
  • Vaccinium pallidum – Blue Ridge blueberry
  • Vaccinium stamineum – Deerberry
  • Viburnum nudum – Possumhaw
  • Xyris torta – Slender yelloweyed grass

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