Riverside Park
The Daily Plant : Tuesday, May 11, 2004
New Yorkers can now swing through the Upper West Side’s Riverside Park…on traveling rings. On Sunday, May 1, New York City got a taste of the California life when a new set of play equipment was installed in Riverside Park. The traveling rings are attached to chains, allowing people to swing from one end of the equipment to the other. The West Coast has been enjoying similar equipment since the 1930s.
The ribbon on the new equipment was cut by professional aerialists who actually swung through the ribbon. Parks & Recreation Commissioner Adrian Benepe was on hand to celebrate, along with Riverside Park Administrator KC Sahl and Dorlene Kaplan, Publisher of ShawGuides, which donated the rings to the park.
These are the first adult traveling rings on the East Coast. New Yorkers can enjoy this new recreational activity while overlooking the Hudson River. The traveling rings are located at 105th Street off Riverside Drive, adjacent to Hudson Beach Café.
Written by Margaret Johnson
The sun is shining. Our fields are ready for action. It’s time for the tenth season of Parks Softball. Last year, the Parks League took an interesting turn when the Bronx team ended a string of three straight championships by beating Manhattan with a thrilling, extra-innings championship game. Once dominant Manhattan and Brooklyn will be looking to regain their lost championship forms, while the rest of the league will be trying to claim that elusive first banner.
As usual, competition will begin in the first week of June. All games are at 6 p.m. sharp, Mondays, Tuesday or Wednesdays, at either field 6 or field 13 on Randall’s Island. The season schedule will be ready by May 19. All interested boroughs and divisions should e-mail or call Mahanth Joishy at 212-360-8295 by Friday, May 14 to enter a team. The league is co-ed, slow pitch and open to all full-time and active seasonal employees. Hope to see you there!
Past Champions
1995 Brooklyn
1996 Brooklyn
1997 Bronx
1998 Manhattan
1999 Bronx
2000 Manhattan
2001 Manhattan
2002 Manhattan
2003 Bronx
First Deputy Commissioner Liam Kavanagh and Staten Island Borough Commissioner Thomas Paulo are pleased to announce the selection of Hector Aponte as the new Chief of Operations for Staten Island. Hector joined Parks & Recreation on May 22, 1995. Hector worked as Borough Requirements Contract Director and Park & Recreation Manager for Districts 4 and 5 in Manhattan. Before Hector came to work in City government, he was Assistant Regional Director for New York State Parks & Recreation. In this capacity he oversaw the development of Riverbank State Park. Prior to that, Hector worked with numerous non-profits. He has been active in many local community organizations during his time in Manhattan. In his spare time, Hector enjoys camping, running and photography. Please join us in welcoming Hector to his new position.
Tell me, is the rose naked
or is that her only dress?
Why do trees conceal
the splendor of their roots?
Who hears the regrets
of the thieving automobile?
Is there anything in the world sadder
than a train standing in the rain?
Pablo Neruda
From The Book of Questions
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Know Before You Go
Due to construction, as of September 23, 2024, Cherry Walk at Riverside Park is temporarily closed between West 100th Street and St. Clair Place (West 125th St). Please view our Temporary Greenway Detour map for an alternative route.
Anticipated Completion: Spring 2025
Related inquiries may be sent to boatbasin@parks.nyc.gov
Related inquiries may be sent to boatbasin@parks.nyc.gov