Jackson Square


Thursday, April 4, 2019
No. 22

Tuesday, April 2, 2019 -- NYC Parks Commissioner Mitchell J. Silver, FAICP, joined New York City Council Speaker Corey Johnson; Deputy Manhattan Borough President Matthew Washington; State Senator Brad Hoylman; Carter Booth, chair, Manhattan Community Board 2; Harlan Bratcher, president, Jackson Square Alliance; Charlie Anderson, Assembly Member Deborah Glick’s office; and community members to officially cut the ribbon on the reconstruction of Jackson Square Park in Manhattan.

“This neighborhood park is a gem in the Greenwich Village Historic District and we are delighted that we were able to maintain the spirit of its original design while adding new features during this reconstruction—truly making one of the City’s oldest parks new again,” said Commissioner Silver. “We are grateful for the funding support we received from former New York City Council Member Christine Quinn, Speaker Corey Johnson and Mayor Bill de Blasio; their support is priceless.”

“It thrills me to know that Jackson Square Park is being reopened for new generations of New Yorkers,” said Speaker Corey Johnson. “The park has been a refuge in our city for almost two centuries, and it will continue to be so for the next century because of all the hard work of the local community members involved. I want to thank Commissioner Silver, Community Board 2 and the Jackson Square Alliance for their dedication and effort to make this day possible.”

“The newly reconstructed Jackson Square Park is an excellent addition to the Greenwich Village Historic District that will be enjoyed by generations of New Yorkers to come--my family included,” said State Senator Brad Hoylman. “I'm grateful to Commissioner Silver, Speaker Johnson, Deputy Manhattan Borough President Washington, Assemblymember Glick, Carter Booth of CB2, and the Jackson Square Alliance for seeing this effort through.”

"Today's celebration reminds us all of the good that can come through collaboration – with NYC Parks Department, elected officials, neighbors, civic groups and businesses -- to build a more inclusive and sustainable community,” said Harlan Bratcher, president of the Jackson Square Alliance. ”On behalf of JSA, we thank those who have supported this stellar restoration, and we welcome everyone to get involved in stewarding Jackson Square forward. Check us out on JSA.nyc."

“It’s a great day when a newly renovated park reopens, especially one as historic as Jackson Square,” said Carter Booth, chair of Manhattan Community Board 2. “It’s also perfect timing to watch spring unfold and the flowers bloom around the fountain in this corner of the West Village. It takes many people to make renovations happen, and we especially want to thank the NYC Parks Department, Speaker Johnson, our elected officials, the Jackson Square Alliance, their volunteers and their gardener Nancy Matthews. The changes you see today both preserve and enhance Jackson Square Park and make it an extra special place to spend time in the West Village for residents, workers and visitors alike.”

This $1.9 million renovation of Jackson Square Park, respected the beautiful piazza style design and enhanced the park for the 21st century with sustainable features including permeable paving, LED lighting, and increased planting areas. The project also restored two key park features, the elaborate cast iron urns and the mid-19th century replica fountain. Additionally, the park has been made fully ADA accessible with the installation of the new barrier-free surfaces, companion seating and drinking fountain. Funding for this project was made possible by former City Council Speaker Christine Quinn ($800,000), Mayor Bill de Blasio ($740,000) and City Council Speaker Corey Johnson ($360,000).

One of New York City’s oldest parks, the newly reconstructed Jackson Square Park is one of a series of nearby historic parks that link together the Greenwich Village Historic District. Possibly named for President Andrew Jackson, but undocumented, the earliest known reference to Jackson Square appears in the Second Annual Report of the Board of Commissioners of the Department of Parks in 1872. According to the report, Jackson Square (acquired by the City in 1826) was one of twenty-nine properties mapped and improved as parkland by the City.

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