Idlewild Park
Idlewild Park Is March’s Park Of The Month
IMMEDIATETuesday, March 17, 2009
No. 20
As one of the largest remaining saltwater marshes in Queens, the 160-acre Idlewild Park gives visitors a unique window to one of the New York City’s many aquatic habitats while also playing a vital role in our water system. With kayaking and canoe season beginning April 1, outdoor enthusiasts can also take to the water at the park’s launch.
“Idlewild Park is one of the many natural areas we restored to re-establish the public’s connection to the water.” said Parks Commissioner Adrian Benepe. “Idlewild Park’s kayak launch and the NYC Water Trail allow New Yorkers to explore the city from a different angle. With access to Jamaica Bay, as well as to the wetlands and surrounding areas that so many different animals call home, Idlewild Park is a great way to see and learn about the city’s natural history.”
The waters along the Idlewild Park Preserve, not only provide a natural backdrop to the city, but also act as a natural filtration system for Queens’ groundwater, preventing any contaminants from entering Jamaica Bay. This not only improves the water quality of the area, but also helps to keep the ocean from flooding the southern half of Queens and parts of Brooklyn. Salt marshes also help reduce water erosion.
Idlewild Park is a gateway into Jamaica Bay and the water provides an astounding view of surrounding habitats, including freshwater and tidal wetlands, in addition to also the tributaries of Hook Creek. The bay is home to many different kinds of birds and marine life, including egrets, ibis, and herons, which make up 25 percent of the northeast Atlantic population.
Park of the Month introduces some of our greatest parks and green spaces to curious New Yorkers and visitors. To pick up a kayak and canoe permit or learn more about parks, visit for photos of Idlewild Park and an archive of featured parks.
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