Decatur Playground
Decatur St., Macdonough St. bet. Lewis Ave. and Marcus Garvey Blvd.
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This playground takes its name from its location on Decatur Street, named prior to 1835, which runs from Fulton Street in Brooklyn to Myrtle Avenue in Queens. Street and playground honor the American naval hero Stephen Decatur (1779-1820). Decatur was born in Sinnepuxent (still called thatΑ--look in a world atlas), Maryland. He was the son of Stephen Decatur, who had been a French naval officer before emigrating to America in search of greater religious freedom. He followed in his father’s tradition and took his first seafaring job at age seventeen with a Philadelphia shipping firm. In 1798, at the outbreak of America’s naval hostilities with France, he traveled to protect American trading interests in the West Indies on the frigate United States with Commodore John Barry, the Navy’s first commander-in-chief (for whom a park is named in Fort Greene).
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