Central Park
Friday, August 5, 2022
No. 51
NYC Parks today announces that it intends to enter into a negotiated concession process in order to identify and enter into an agreement with a new operator for the operation, renovation and maintenance of a high-quality restaurant, snack bar and rowboat rental at the Loeb Boathouse, Central Park, Manhattan.
The current operator of the Loeb Boathouse, through a notice dated July 14, 2022, announced the closure of the concession effective as of October 16, 2022. Parks is engaged in good faith negotiations with the concessionaire to allow catered events to continue until approximately December 31, 2022 and to amend the agreement to allow the concession to end prior to its original termination date.
In accordance with Section 1-14 of the Concession Rules of the City of New York, Parks is utilizing the negotiated concession process, rather than a competitive sealed proposal process, in order to identify and install a new operator as quickly as possible. The concession will be operated pursuant to a license issued by Parks; no leasehold or other proprietary right will be offered. The concession is projected to expire no more than 10 years from the commencement date. The selected operator must also act in good faith to seek to accommodate any events already booked at the facility with the current concessionaire.
Potential concessionaires that would like to express interest in the proposed concession and/or obtain additional information concerning the concession may contact Andrew Coppola, Senior Project Manager for the Revenue Division, at (212) 360-3454 or via e-mail at Andrew.Coppola@parks.nyc.gov by August 19, 2022. Thereafter, there will be a process for the submission of proposals. Parks will evaluate the proposals on the bases of capital investment, improvement and designs; operating experience; financial capability; planned operations; and fee offer.
Located on the eastern shore of the 72nd Street Lake in Central Park, the Loeb Boathouse was constructed in 1952 and has served as a unique dining and recreational amenity in one of New York City’s most picturesque locations. The Loeb Boathouse in Central Park is a New York City landmark and any improvements are subject to approval by the Public Design Commission and Landmark Commission. The restaurant’s main dining room opens onto the lake and features accordion style glass windows that fold back to allow the restaurant to become totally open to the lake during the warmer months, and close to allow for uninterrupted views with protection from the elements during the winter months. The building also includes an indoor bar with a large stone fireplace, a snack bar with indoor and outdoor access and seating, a Lake Room currently used for special events, restrooms for customers and the general public, and an enclosed courtyard accessible to the public. Rowboats are also rented from an outdoor kiosk with boats stored on a series of wooden docks. Patrons to the Loeb Boathouse and visitors to Central Park have enjoyed this location for years and Parks would like to continue to provide these welcome amenities.
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The Charles A. Dana Discovery Center: (212) 860-1370
The Dairy Visitor Center and Gift Shop: (212) 794-6564
North Meadow Recreation Center: (212) 348-4867
Loeb Boathouse (Bike rentals, boat rentals & gondolas): (212) 517-2233
Carousel: (212) 879-0244
Fishing at Harlem Meer (Catch & Release): (212) 860-1370
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